发布时间: 2018-05-28  作者:  浏览次数: 288

1Plasmonic   silver incorporated silver halides for efficient photocatalysis安长华JOURNAL   OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A1
2Two-step   synthesis of binary Ni-Fe sulfides supported on nickel foam as highly   efficient electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction董斌JOURNAL   OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A1
3Hopf bifurcations in   general systems of Brusselator type李燕NONLINEAR   ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS1
4Room   temperature hydrogen sensor with ultrahigh-responsive characteristics based   on Pd/SnO2/SiO2/Si heterojunctions凌翠翠SENSORS   AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL1
5Methanol   Oxidation on Pt3Sn(111) for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells: Methanol   Decomposition鲁效庆ACS   APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES1
6Determination   of the Absolute Number Concentration of Nanoparticles and the Active Affinity   Sites on Their Surfaces温聪颖ANALYTICAL   CHEMISTRY1
7Regulation   of size and uniformity of In2O3 nanooctahedra燕友果NANOSCALE1
8Chemical   synthesis of Nd2Fe14B/Fe3B nanocomposites于濂清NANOSCALE1
9The   Kirchhoff type Schrodinger problem with critical growth张健NONLINEAR   ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS1
10RAFT-Polymerization-Induced   Self-Assembly and Reorganizations: Ultrahigh-Molecular-Weight Polymer and   Morphology-Tunable Micro-/Nanoparticles in One Pot张晓云MACROMOLECULAR   RAPID COMMUNICATIONS1
11Long-term   production of H 2 over Pt/CdS nanoplates under sunlight illumination冯娟CHEMICAL   ENGINEERING JOURNA1
12A   NbO-type copper metal-organic framework decorated with carboxylate groups   exhibiting highly selective CO2 adsorption and separation of organic dyes刘秀萍JOURNAL   OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A1
13Ultrathin   Co (Ni)-doped MoS2 nanosheets as catalytic promoters enabling efficient solar   hydrogen production马晓燕LNANO   RESEARCH1
14Effect   of Interfacial Bonding on Interphase Properties in SiO2/Epoxy Nanocomposite:   A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study王志坤ACS   APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES1
15Lamellar   structured CoSe<inf>2</inf>nanosheets directly arrayed on Ti   plate as an efficient electrochemical catalyst for hydrogen evolution肖华青Electrochimica   Acta1
16Sandwich-like   nitrogen-doped porous carbon/graphene nanoflakes with high-rate capacitive   performance张誉Nanoscale1
17Theoretical   study of a tunable and strain-controlled nanoporous graphenylene membrane for   multifunctional gas separation祝磊JOURNAL   OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A1
18Exploratory   Study for the Mechanism of Surfactant Restraining the Coke on the Surface of   the Reactor in Residue Slurry Phase Hydrocracking崔敏ENERGY   & FUELS2
19A   lead-porphyrin metal-organic framework: gas adsorption properties and   electrocatalytic activity for water oxidation戴昉纳DALTON   TRANSACTIONS2
20A stabilized mixed   finite element method for steady and unsteady reaction-diffusion equations付红斐COMPUTER   METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING2
21A Stabilized Mixed   Finite Element Method for Elliptic Optimal Control Problems付红斐JOURNAL   OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING2
22Enhanced   artificial bee colony algorithm through differential evolution髙卫峰APPLIED   SOFT COMPUTING2
23High   hydrogen sensitivity of vertically standing layered MoS2/Si heterojunctions郝兰众Journal   of Alloys and Compounds2
24Self-powered   broadband, high-detectivity and ultrafast photodetectors based on Pd-MoS2/Si   heterojunctions郝兰众PHYSICAL   CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS2
25Corrosion   behaviour of Al86.0Co7.6Ce6.4 glass forming alloy with different   microstructures李春玲Applied   Surface Science2
26Dynamics   of a delayed diffusive predator-prey model with hyperbolic mortality
27Global   stability and stationary pattern of a diffusive prey-predator model with   modified Leslie-Gower term and Holling II functional response
28Molecular   dynamics study of di-CF4 based reverse micelles in supercritical CO2刘冰PHYSICAL   CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS2
29Reduction   in interfacial tension of water-oil interface by supercritical CO2 in   enhanced oil recovery processes studied with molecular dynamics simulation刘冰JOURNAL   OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS2
30Blow-up   properties in the parabolic problems with anisotropic nonstandard growth   conditions刘丙辰ZEITSCHRIFT   FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK2
31The   profile and boundary layer for parabolic system with critical simultaneous   blow-up exponent刘丙辰APPLIED   MATHEMATICS LETTERS2
32Critical   singular exponent and asymptotic estimates in the parabolic equations刘丙辰APPLIED   MATHEMATICS LETTERS2
33Theoretical   study on neutron distribution of Pb-208 by parity-violating electron   scattering刘健CHINESE   PHYSICS C2
34Effect   of alloying on the stabilities and catalytic properties of Ag-Au bimetallic   subnanoclusters: a theoretical investigation匙玉华Journal   of Materials Science2
35Robust   exponential squared loss-based variable selection for high-dimensional   single-index varying-coefficient model宋允全JOURNAL   OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS2
36Robust   check loss-based variable selection of high-dimensional single-index   varying-coefficient model宋允全COMMUNICATIONS   IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION2
37Singularity   analysis of pseudo null hypersurfaces and pseudo hyperbolic hypersurfaces孙建国JOURNAL   OF NONLINEAR SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS2
38An   h-adaptive local discontinuous Galerkin method for the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg   equations田璐璐JOURNAL   OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS2
39Periodic   solutions of stochastic coupled systems on networks with periodic   coefficients王际朝NEUROCOMPUTING2
40Boundedness   and convergence analysis of weight elimination for cyclic training of neural   networks王健NEURAL   NETWORKS2
41Unprecedented   Solvent-Dependent Sensitivities in Highly Efficient Detection of Metal Ions   and Nitroaromatic Compounds by a Fluorescent Barium Metal-Organic Framework王荣明INORGANIC   CHEMISTRY2
42Dynamic   Evolution of Coaxial Nanotoruloid in the Self-Assembled Naphthyl-Containing   L-Glutamide王秀凤LANGMUIR2
43Synthesis   of AgInS2-xAg(2)S-yZnS-zIn(6)S(7) (x, y, z=0, or 1) Nanocomposites with   Composition-Dependent Activity towards Solar 王兆杰Materials2
44Heteroleptic   Cu(I) complexes integrating functionalized chromophores for dye-sensitized   solar cells: An in-depth analysis of electronic structure, spectrum,   excitation, and intramolecular electron tra魏淑贤ORGANIC   ELECTRONICS2
45Monte   Carlo simulation study of the halogenated MIL-47(V) frameworks: influence of   functionalization on H2S adsorption and separation properties徐静JOURNAL   OF MATERIALS SCIENCE2
46Characteristic   splitting mixed finite element analysis of Keller-Segel chemotaxis models张建松APPLIED   MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION2
47A   characteristic splitting mixed finite element method for three-dimensional   saltwater intrusion problem张建松JOURNAL   OF NONLINEAR SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS2
48The   critical Neumann problem of Kirchhoff type张健APPLIED   MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION2
49Metal-organic   frameworks based luminescent materials for nitroaromatics sensing张亮亮CRYSTENGCOMM2
50Relationships   between Electrical Conductivity Variation and Coking Characteristics of   Residue during Thermal Reaction through Online Equipment张龙力ENERGY   & FUELS2
51Quasi-periodic   solutions of two dimensional SchrOdinger equations with Quasi-periodic   forcing'张敏NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS2
52Stationary   distribution of stochastic SIS epidemic model with vaccination under regime   switching张新红APPLIED   MATHEMATICS LETTERS2
53The   existence, uniqueness and global exponential stability of periodic solution   for a coupled system on networks with time delays张新红NEUROCOMPUTING2
54Stationary   distribution and periodic solution for stochastic predator-prey systems with   nonlinear predator harvesting左文杰COMMUNICATIONS   IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION2
55Periodic   solutions for a stochastic non-autonomous Holling-Tanner predator-prey system   with impulses左文杰NONLINEAR   ANALYSIS-HYBRID SYSTEMS2
56Insight   into the Reaction Mechanisms of Methanol on PtRu/Pt(111): A Density   Functional Study丁秋月APPLIED   SURFACE  SCIENCE2
57Supercritical   CO2 selective extraction inducing wettability alteration of oil reservoir房体明JOURNAL   OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS2
58Excellent   dielectric properties of PVDF-based composites filled with carbonized PAN/PEG   copolymer fibers郭启凯COMPOSITES   PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING2
59Theoretical   Survey of the Thiophene Hydrodesulfurization Mechanism on Clean and   Single-Sulfur-Atom-Modified MoP(001)李桂霞JOURNAL   OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C2
60Molecular   Dynamics Simulations of CO2/N2 Separation through Two Dimensional Graphene   Oxide Membranes李文JOURNAL   OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C2
61How   to select an optimal surfactant molecule to speed up the oil-detachment from   solid surface: A computational simulation李小芳CHEMICAL   ENGINEERING SCIENCE2
62Multifunctional   lanthanide-organic frameworks for fluorescent sensing, gas separation and   catalysis刘晓斌DALTON   TRANSACTIONS2
63Effective   Enhancement of Humidity Sensing Characteristics of Novel Thermally Treated   MWCNTs/Polyvinylpyrrolidone Film Caused by Interfacial Effect潘兴龙ADVANCED   MATERIALS INTERFACES2
64The   self-assembly structure and the CO2-philicity of a hybrid surfactant in   supercritical CO2: effects of hydrocarbon chain length王慕涵SOFT   MATTER2
65Two-Step   Solution-Processed Two-Component Bilayer Phthalocyaninato Copper-Based   Heterojunctions with Interesting Ambipolar Organic Transiting and   Ethanol-Sensing Properties吴艳玲ADVANCED   MATERIALS INTERFACES2
66Extraction   of kerogen from oil shale with supercritical carbon dioxide: Molecular   dynamics simulations武甜甜JOURNAL   OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS2
67Efficient   diode end-pumped acousto-optically Q-switched Nd:YAG/BaTeMo2O9 Raman laser白芬APPLIED   OPTICS3
68Comparison   of signal-resonant and idler-resonant KTA-SROs白芬CHINESE   OPTICS LETTERS3
69Four   Pb(II) metal-organic frameworks with increasing dimensions: structural   diversities by varying the ligands戴昉纳NEW   JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY3
70A priori error   analysis of stabilized mixed finite element method for reaction-diffusion   optimal control problems付红斐BOUNDARY   VALUE PROBLEMS3
72Self-powered   photosensing characteristics of amorphous carbon/silicon heterostructures郝兰众RSC   ADVANCES3
73Enhanced   photovoltaic characteristics of MoS2/Si hybrid solar cells by metal Pd   chemical doping郝兰众RSC   ADVANCES3
74l(2) Multiple Kernel   Fuzzy SVM-Based Data Fusion for Improving Peptide Identification渐令IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS   ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS3
75Asymptotic   behavior of a three species eco-epidemiological model perturbed by white   noise张秋梅JOURNAL   OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS3
76Effect   of Ca2+/Mg2+ on the stability of the foam system stabilized by an anionic   surfactant: A molecular dynamics study李春玲COLLOIDS   AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS3
78Measure   prediction capability of data for collaborative filtering梁锡军KNOWLEDGE   AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS3
79Blow-up   analysis in degenerate parabolic systems coupled via norm-type reactions刘丙辰APPLICABLE   ANALYSIS3
80Theoretical   study on nuclear structure by the multiple Coulomb scattering and magnetic   scattering of relativistic electrons刘健NUCLEAR   PHYSICS A3
81Density   functional theory study of hydrogenation of S to H2S on Pt-Pd alloy surfaces刘云杰RSC   ADVANCES3
82Role   of Functionalized Acceptors in Heteroleptic Bipyridyl Cu(I) Complexes for   Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells鲁效庆ELECTRONIC   MATERIALS LETTERS3
83First-principles   insight into the photoelectronic properties of Ge-based perovskites鲁效庆RSC   ADVANCES3
84Methanol   oxidation on Ru(0001) for direct methanol fuel cells: analysis of the   competitive reaction mechanism鲁效庆RSC   ADVANCES3
85The   nature of interactions between [Cu2Cl3](-)-based ionic liquid and thiophene -   A theoretical study吕仁庆JOURNAL   OF SAUDI CHEMICAL SOCIETY3
86The   Potential Evaluation of Multisource Remote Sensing Data for Extracting Soil   Moisture Based on the Method of BP Neural Network马红章CANADIAN   JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING3
87Improved   Separability Criteria Based on Bloch Representation of Density Matrices申淑谦SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS3
88Effect   of alloying on the stabilities and catalytic properties of Pt-Au bimetallic   subnanoclusters: a theoretical investigation匙玉华Journal   of Nanoparticle Research3
89Effect   of surface chemistry for CH4/CO2 adsorption in kerogen: A molecular   simulation study隋宏光JOURNAL   OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING3
90Bounds   on multipartite concurrence and tangle王静QUANTUM INFORMATION   PROCESSING3
91Non-enzymatic   glucose sensor based on facial hydrothermal synthesized NiO nanosheets loaded   on glassy carbon electrode王淑涛Colloids   and Surfaces A3
92Numerical   time-delayed feedback control in a neural network with delay王媛媛JOURNAL   OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS3
93The Origins of the   Directionality of Noncovalent Intermolecular Interactions王长崴JOURNAL OF   COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY3
94Theoretical   insight into electronic structure and optoelectronic properties of   heteroleptic Cu(I)-based complexes for dye-sensitized solar cells魏淑贤MATERIALS   CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS3
95Helical   wrapping of long-chained polyacetylene (PA) on metallic nanowires: MD   simulation insights薛庆忠COMPUTATIONAL   MATERIALS SCIENCE3
96Temperature-dependent   elastic and thermodynamic properties of Fe3Ga (DO3, L1(2), and DO19) alloys   from first-principles calculations闫向宏PHYSICA   STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS3
97Tuning   aspect ratio of hierarchical ZnO nanotetrapod燕友果APPLIED   PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING3
98Hierarchical   NiO Nanoflake Arrays on Nickel Foam as a Supercapacitor Electrode with High   Capacitance and High Rate Capability杨广武JOURNAL OF   NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY3
99Solvability   of systems of linear matrix equations subject to a matrix inequality于娟LINEAR   & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA3
100The   Hermitian {P, k+1}-(anti-)reflexive solutions of a linear matrix equation于娟COMPUTERS   & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS3
101Theoretical   study of electron transport properties of bimolecular junctions: Effect of   molecular arrangement and species袁顺东Computational   Materials Science3
102Solitons   in PT-symmetric periodic systems with the logarithmically saturable   nonlinearity展凯云SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS3
103Ground   state and multiple solutions for Schrodinger-Poisson equations with critical   nonlinearity张健JOURNAL   OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS3
104Periodic   solutions and stationary distribution of mutualism models in random   environments张新红PHYSICA   A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS3
105Ultrafast   breathing humidity sensing properties of low-dimensional Fe-doped SnO2   flower-like spheres甄玉花RSC   ADVANCES3
106Synthesis   of layer-expanded MoS2 nanosheets/carbon fibers nanocomposites for   electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction周炎MATERIALS   CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS3
107Peripheral   detection and resolution with mid-/long-wavelength and short-wavelength   sensitive cone systems朱海丰JOURNAL   OF VISION3
108Stationary   distribution and periodic solutions for stochastic Holling-Leslie   predator-prey systems蒋达清PHYSICA   A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS3
109Green   anticorrosive oilfield chemicals from 5-hydroxytryptophan and synergistic   additives for X80 steel surface protection in acidic well treatment fluidsItuenJournal   of Molecular Liquids3
110Behavior   of protruding lateral plane graphene sheets in liquid dodecane: molecular   dynamics simulations陈生辉JOURNAL   OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH3
111Self-Assembly   of Hydrofluorinated Janus Graphene Monolayer: A Versatile Route for Designing   Novel Janus Nanoscrolls靳亚康SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS3
112Structure,   dielectric and piezoelectric behaviors of (K,Na)NbO3 ceramics with high Q (m)   in low-humidity by introducing SiO2 and CuO mixed oxides
113Elastic   and thermodynamic properties of Fe3Ga from first-principles calculations林亚宁SOLID   STATE COMMUNICATIONS3
114Crystal   structures, topological analysis and luminescence properties of three   coordination polymers based on a semi-rigid ligand and N-donor ligand linkers刘晓斌NEW   JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY3
115Molecular   insights into the pH-induced self-assembly of CTAB/PPA system刘志斌COLLOIDS   AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS3
116Ultra-high   Dielectric Constant of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Composites Filled With   Hydroxyl Modified Graphite Powders孙晋POLYMER   COMPOSITES3
117Vesicle   formation of catanionic mixtures of CTAC/SDS induced by ratio: a   coarse-grained molecular dynamic simulation study王攀RSC   ADVANCES3
118Synthesis,   structure, and properties of a 3D porous Zn(II) MOF constructed from a   terpyridine-based ligand王文RSC   ADVANCES3
119Iron(III)   Porphyrin-Based Porous Material as Photocatalyst for Highly Efficient and   Selective Degradation of Congo Red肖振宇Macromolecular   Chemistry and Physics3
120Cyclodextrin-Based   Metal-Organic Nanotube as Fluorescent Probe for Selective Turn-On Detection   of Hydrogen Sulfide in Living Cells Based on H2S-Involved Coordination   Mechanism辛雪莲SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS3
121Hydrothermally   synthesized SnO2-graphene composites for H-2 sensing at low operating   temperature张敏MATERIALS SCIENCE   AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS3
122Pentiptycene-Based   Luminescent Cu (II) MOF Exhibiting Selective Gas Adsorption and   Unprecedentedly High-Sensitivity Detection of Nitroaromatic Compounds (NACs)张明会SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS3
123Modified   Bat Algorithm Based on Levy Flight and Opposition Based Learning单娴SCIENTIFIC   PROGRAMMING4
124Template   Synthesis of Hollow MoS2 Microspheres with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity   for Hydrogen Evolution董斌INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE4
125Facile   Synthesis of MoS2 Modified TiO2 Nanospheres with Enhanced   Photoelectrocatalytic activity董斌INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE4
126In-situ   grown interwoven NiSe on Ni foam as a catalyst for hydrazine oxidation董斌INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH4
127A   Room-temperature Hydrogen Gas Sensor Using Palladium-decorated Single-Walled   Carbon Nanotube/Si Heterojunction杜永刚MATERIALS   SCIENCE-MEDZIAGOTYRA4
128A Priori Error   Estimate of Splitting Positive Definite Mixed Finite Element Method for   Parabolic Optimal Control Problems付红斐NUMERICAL   MATHEMATICS-THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS4
129A posteriori error   estimates for optimal control problems constrained by convection-diffusion   equations付红斐FRONTIERS   OF MATHEMATICS IN CHINA4
130Generation   of octave-spanning super-continuum in tapered single mode fibre pumped by   femtosecond
     Yb:YCOB laser
贾玉磊Acta   Physica Sinica4
131Long-time   behavior of a perturbed enzymatic reaction model under negative feedback   process by white noise杨颖JOURNAL   OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY4
132Competitive   exclusion in a stochastic chemostat model with Holling type II functional   response张秋梅JOURNAL   OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY4
133Optimal   Stable Approximation for the Cauchy Problem for Laplace Equation李洪芳ADVANCES   IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS4
134Mechanism   of C-N Bond Cleavage in Aniline on MoP(001) Surface李邵仁ACTA   PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA4
135The   effect of a silica support: a density functional theory study of the C-H bond   activation of ethane on a nickel oxide cluster林旭峰JOURNAL   OF PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY4
136The   substituent effect of the pentafluorophenyl groups on   ruthenium-porphyrin-catalyzed intramolecular amidation of sulfamate ester: A   DFT study林旭锋COMPUTATIONAL   AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY4
137A   Hybrid Algorithm Based on Optimal Quadratic Spline Collocation and Parareal   Deferred Correction for Parabolic PDEs刘军MATHEMATICAL   PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING4
138First-principles   investigation on structural and photoelectronic properties of  CH3NH3PbxSn1-xI3 mixed perovskites鲁效庆ACTA   PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA4
140Two   results on the normality criterion concerning holomorphic functions吕锋JOURNAL   OF CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS-ARMENIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES4
142On   the Laplacian coefficients and Laplacian-like energy of unicyclic graphs with   fixed diameter排新颖ARS   COMBINATORIA4
143Almost   periodic solutions for a class of linear Schrodinger equations with almost   periodic forcing芮杰 Journal of Mathematical Physics 4
144Surface structure of   aqueous ionic surfactant solutions and effects of solvent therein-a computer   simulation study王创业COLLOID AND POLYMER   SCIENCE4
145Interpenetration   of Three 2D In-MOFs with (6,3) Topology: Syntheses, Structures and   Fluorescent Properties王荣明CHINESE   JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY4
146Supramolecular   Gels: Structural Diversity and Supramolecular Chirality王秀凤ACTA   PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA4
147Viral   dynamics of an HIV model with latent infection incorporating antiretroviral   therapy王艳ADVANCES   IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS4
148Effect   of tool eccentricity on responses of array induction logging tools in   cylindrical multilayered formations魏宝君CHINESE   JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION4
150A   prototype of three-dimensional transparent current collector with enhanced   charge collection杨广武OPTOELECTRONICS AND   ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS4
151Investigation   of Barree-Conway non-Darcy flow effects on coalbed methane production杨蕾JOURNAL   OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY4
152Photoelectrochemical   Properties of MOS2 Modified TiO2 Nanotube Arrays于濂清JOURNAL OF INORGANIC   MATERIALS4
153Molecular   dynamics simulation of oil detachment from calcite surface in aqueous   surfactant solution袁顺东COMPUTATIONAL   AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY4
154A   Mannich base 1-phenyl-3-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-propanone: synthesis and   performance study on corrosion inhibition for N80 steel in 15% hydrochloric   acid战风涛ANTI-CORROSION   METHODS AND MATERIALS4
155Theoretical   investigation of the reaction of ethanol with ground-state Co+(F-3)张风昀THEORETICAL   CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS4
156Study   on a terahertz modulator based on metamaterial with photoinduced vanadium   dioxide film张会JOURNAL   OF MODERN OPTICS4
157Parallel   algorithm for convection-diffusion system based on least-squares procedure张建松SPRINGERPLUS4
159Solvent   Dependent Assembly, Structural Diversity and Topology Analysis in Two Novel   Ni Coordination Polymers张亮亮CHINESE   JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY4
160Study   on Colloidal Model of Petroleum Residues through the Attraction Potential   between Colloids张龙力PETROLEUM   SCIENCE4
161Photoelectrochemical   Properties of AgX(Cl, Br)-TiO2 Heterojunction Nanocomposites张亚萍JOURNAL   OF INORGANIC MATERIALS4
162Study on the   frequency dispersion of the complex resistivity in reservoir rocks based on   electroseismic coupling郑海霞CHINESE JOURNAL OF   GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION4
163Theoretical   and experimental investigation on the capture of H2S in a series of ionic   liquids周欣明JOURNAL   OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING4
164Thermal   reaction of the ionic liquid 1,2-dimethyl-(3-aminoethyl) imidazolium   tetrafluoroborate: a kinetic and theoretical study周欣明JOURNAL   OF MOLECULAR MODELING4
165Aerobic   oxidation of aromatics catalyzed by CoSPc and NHPI周玉路INDIAN   JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION B4
166Eco-friendly   corrosion inhibitor from Pennisetum purpureum biomass and synergistic   intensifiers for mild steelItuenCHINESE   JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING4
167Effect   of interfacial layer on water flow in nanochannels: Lattice Boltzmann   simulations靳亚康PHYSICA   B-CONDENSED MATTER4
168High   Sensitive Ambipolar Response towards Oxidizing NO2 and Reducing NH3 Based on Bis(phthalocyaninato) Europium Semiconductors孔霞CHINESE   JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4
169Entire   solutions of nonlinear differential-difference equations李翠平SPRINGERPLUS4
170Synthesis,   Structures, and Fluorescent Properties of Three Cobalt-Based Coordination   Polymers with a Rigid Tripodal Carboxylate Ligand刘晓斌ZEITSCHRIFT   FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE4
171Efficient and highly   selective cyclization induced by Lewis acid to generate   2-hydroxyl--cyclogeraniol王子SYNTHETIC   COMMUNICATIONS4
172A Lower Bound of   Quantum Discord for 2-Qutrit Systems张乾辉INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS4
173First-Principles   Theory Investigation on Structural and Photoelectronic Properties of   Perovskites: Trigonal versus Hexagonal HC(NH2)(2)PbI3赵兹罡ACTA   CHIMICA SINICA4
174First-Principles   Theory Investigation on Structural and Photoelectronic Properties of   Formamidinium Lead Halide Perovskites赵兹罡ACTA   CHIMICA SINICA4
175Diffusion   and separation of CH4/N-2 in pillared graphene nanomaterials: A molecular   dynamics investigation周赛男CHEMICAL   PHYSICS LETTERS4
176Semiparametric   proportional mean residual life model with censoring indicators missing at   random
Communications   in Statistics - Theory and Methods

177Advances   in the synthesis of carbon-based MoS<inf>2</inf>electrocatalysts   for hydrogen evolution董斌Cailiao   Daobao/Materials Review

178Facile   synthesis of hollow SnO<inf>2</inf>nanospheres uniformly coated   by Ag for electro-oxidation of hydrazine董斌Materials   Letters

179Adsorption   and dissociation of H2S on Mo2C(001) surface-A first-principle study付殿岭Applied   Surface Science

180Local   Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Incompressible Miscible Displacement   Problem in Porous Media郭会Journal   of Scientific Computing

181Surface   wettability switching of metal-organic framework mesh for oil-water   separation康子曦Materials   Letters

182The   interfacial interactions between viscosity reducer and dendrimer demulsifer李美蓉Shiyou   Xuebao, Shiyou Jiagong/Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section)

183Genuine   multipartite entanglement detection and lower bound of multipartite   concurrence李明PHYSICAL   REVIEW A

184Photoswitching   characteristics of LiNbO3/ZnO/n-Si heterojunction刘云杰Key   Engineering Materials

185Fabrication   and enhanced photovoltaic properties of PdMoS2/Si solar cells刘云杰Optics   infoBase Conference Papers

186Active   and passive cooperative algorithm at L-Band for bare soil moisture inversion马红章Transactions   of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering

187Molecular   simulation of   CO<inf>2</inf>/CH<inf>4</inf>competitive adsorption   in kerogen隋宏光Zhongguo   Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of   Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science)

188The   effect of environmental factors on long-term atmospheric corrosion behavior   of commercially pure aluminum AA1035孙霜青materials   and corrosion

189The   largest Wiener index of unicyclic graphs given girth or maximum deg谭尚旺Journal   of Applied Mathematics and Computing

190Investigation   of the surface structure of solution using neutral impact collision ion   scattering spectroscopy王创业Tianjin   Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/Journal of Tianjin   University Scien

191Convergence   analyses on sparse feedforward neural networks via group lasso regularization王健Information   Sciences

192Carbon quantum dots decorated   hierarchical Ni(OH)<inf>2</inf>with lamellar structure for   outstanding supercapacitor魏桂涓Materials Letters

193Simulating   responses of multi-component induction logging tools by dyadic Green's   functions in cylindrically stratified anisotropic media魏宝君Zhongguo   Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of   Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science)

194Highly   Active Catalyst of Two-Dimensional CoS<inf>2</inf>/Graphene   Nanocomposites for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction邢伟Nanoscale   Research Letters

195Oxygen-containing functional   group-facilitated CO<inf>2</inf>capture by carbide-derived   carbons邢伟Nanoscale Research Letters

196Insights into   the H2/CH4 Separation Through Two-Dimensional Graphene Channels徐静Nanoscale   Research Letters

197Vacuum   ultraviolet photofragmentation of octadecane徐静Applied   Petrochemical Research

198Autocorrelation   of modified Legendre-Sidelnikov sequences闫统江IEICE   Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer   Sciences

199Enhanced   oil recovery mechanism of CO<inf>2</inf>water-alternating-gas   injection in silica nanochannel燕友果Fuel

200Photoelectrochemical   properties of MoS<inf>2</inf>modified   TiO<inf>2</inf>nanotube arrays于濂清Wuji   Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Inorganic Materials

201Chemical   synthesis of   Nd<inf>2</inf>Fe<inf>14</inf>B/Fe<inf>3</inf>B   nanocomposites于濂清Nanoscale

202Surface   lattice solitons in diffusive nonlinear media with spatially modulated   nonlinearity展凯云OPTICS   EXPRESS

203Fractional   orthogonal fourier-mellin moments for pattern recognition张华清Communications   in Computer and Information Science

204A   combined discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for miscible   displacement problem张建松Journal   of Computational and Applied Mathematics

205A   new parallel subspace correction method for advection-diffusion equation张建松Journal   of Applied Mathematics and Computing

206Corrosion   inhibition of N80 steel using novel diquaternary ammonium salts in 15%   hydrochloric Acid张晓云Industrial   and Engineering Chemistry Research

207Periodic   solutions of coupled systems on networks with both time-delay and linear   coupling张新红IMA   Journal of Applied Mathematics (Institute of Mathematics and Its   Applications)

208Dynamics   of a stochastic Holling type II predator-prey model with hyperbolic mortality张新红Nonlinear   Dynamics

209Photoelectrochemical properties   of CdS/graphene/TiO<inf>2</inf>nanorod arrays张亚萍Zhongguo Shiyou Daxue Xuebao   (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of   Natural Science)

210O<inf>2</inf>Annealing   Induced Superconductivity in   FeTe<inf>1&minus;x</inf>Se<inf>x</inf>赵培河Journal of Superconductivity   and Novel Magnetism

211Effective   CO2 detection   based on LaOCl-doped SnO2 nanofibers: Insight into the role of   oxygen in carrier gas熊雅Sensors and   Actuators, B

212Graphene   oxide/polyacrylonitrile fiber hierarchical-structured membrane for ultra-fast   microfiltration of oil-water emulsion张建强Chemical   Engineering Journal
