发布人:陈文雪  发布时间:2021-11-29   浏览次数:2064


































1. 获学校教学成果奖,厅局级,2021.

2. 获学校教学成果奖,厅局级,2019.

3. 指导学生获山东省大学生数学竞赛一等奖,省级,2021

4. 指导学生获全国大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖,省级,2009




1H.M. Shao, J. Wang, D.P. Xu, L.J. Liu   and W.D. Bao. Relaxed conditions for convergence of

batch BPAP for feedforward neural network. Neurocomputing, 153: 174-179,   2015.

2H.M. Shao, D.P. Xu, G.F. Zheng and L.J.   Liu. Convergence of an online gradient method with

inner-product penalty and adaptive momentum. Neurocomputing, 77:   243-252, 2012.

3H.M. Shao, G.F. Zheng. Convergence   analysis of a back-propagation algorithm with adaptive

momentum. Neurocomputing,   74(5):   749-752, 2011. 

4H.M. Shao, D.P. Xu and G.F. Zheng.   Convergence of a batch gradient algorithm with adaptive

momentum for neural networks. Neural Process Letters, 34: 221-228, 2011.  

5H.M. Shao, G.F. Zheng. Boundedness and   convergence of online gradient method with penalty

and momentum, Neurocomputing,   74(5):   765-770, 2011. 

(6) 邵红梅, 安凤仙. 一类训练前馈神经网络的梯度算法及收敛性,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), 4:

176-178, 2010. 

(7) H.M. Shao, W. Wu and L.J. Liu. Convergence of an online gradient   algorithm with penalty for

two-layer neural networks. Communications in Mathematical Research,   26(1): 67-75, 2010.

(8) H.M. Shao, G.F. Zheng. Construction of Bayesian classifiers with GA   for response modeling in

direct marketing, IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Science and Information   Technology (ICCSIT 2009),

4: 89-92, 2009.

(9) H.M. Shao, G.F. Zheng. Convergence of a gradient algorithm with   penalty for training two-

layer neural networks, WRI Global Congress on Intelligent System (GCIS   2009), IEEE Computer Society Press, 4: 16-20, 2009.

(10) H.M. Shao, G.F. Zheng and F.X. An. Construction of Bayesian   classifiers with GA for

predicting customer retention, IEEE Int. Conf. on Natural Computation   (ICNC'08), 1: 181-185,


(11) H.M. Shao, W. Wu and F. Li. Convergence of BP algorithm for   training MLP with linear output,

高等学校计算数学学报英文版(Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications), 16(1):   193-

202, 2007.

(12) H.M. Shao, W. Wu, F. Li and G.F. Zheng. Convergence of batch   gradient algorithm for

feedforward neural network training. Journal of Information and   Computational Science, 4 (1):

251-255, 2007.


(1) L.J. Liu, H.M. Shao and D. Nan. Recurrent neural network model for   computing largest and smallest generalized eigenvalue, Neurocomputing,   71(16-18): 3589-3594, 2008.

(2) W. Wu, H.M. Shao and Z.X. Li. Convergence of batch BP algorithm with   penalty for FNN training. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4232: 562-569,   2006.


