











概况李闻乐,中国石油大学(华东)光华学者,材料科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师,弗吉尼理工大学(美国)材料科学与工程博士,先后于伊利诺伊大学(美国)和巴斯夫公司(美国)开展科研工作,从事环境响应智能材料纳米复合材料的研究工作,承担多项国际高校、企业科研项目,获国际化学工程师学会全球奖(IChemE Global Award)、巴斯夫科技创新奖(Coatings Impact Award)

v  研究方向


v  近期论文

§  Li, W.; Lu, X.;   Diamond, J. M.; Shen, C.; Jiang, B.; Sun, S.; Moore, J. S.; Sottos, N. R. Photo-Modulated   Activation of Organic Bases Enabling Microencapsulation and On-Demand Reactivity.   Nature Communications 15, 2771 (2024).

§  Jiang, Bo.; Mu, M.;   Zhou, Y.; Zhang, J.; Li, W. Nanoparticle-Empowered Core–Shell Microcapsules:   From Architecture Design to Fabrication and Functions. Small 2311897   (2024).

§  Odarczenko, M. T.;   Thakare, D.; Li, W.; Venkateswaran, S. P.; Sottos, N. R.; White, S. R.   Sunlight-Activated Self-Healing Polymer Coatings. Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (3) 1901223 (2020).

§  Lu, X.; Li, W.; Sottos, N. R.; Moore, J. S. Autonomous   Damage Detection in Multilayered Coatings via Integrated Aggregation-Induced   Emission Luminogens. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces10 (47), 40361 (2018).

§  Odarczenko, M., Thakare, D., Li, W.,   Yang, K., Tang, S., Vankateswaren, S. P., Sottos, N. R. and White, S. R.   Self-Protecting Epoxy Coatings with Anticorrosion Microcapsules. ACS Omega 3, 14157 (2018).

§  Geng, J.; Li, W.;   Smaga, L. P.; Sottos, N. R.; Chan, J. Damage-Responsive Microcapsules for   Amplified Photoacoustic Detection of Microcracks in Polymers. Chemistry   of Materials 30, 2198 (2018).

§    Li,   W.; Matthews, C. C.; Yang, K.; Odarczenko, M. T.; White, S. R.; Sottos, N. R.   Autonomous Indication of Mechanical Damage in Polymeric Coatings. Advanced   Materials 28, 2189 (2016).

§    Robb,   M. J.; Li, W.; Gergely, R. C. R.; Matthews, C. C.; White, S. R.; Sottos, N.   R.; Moore, J. S. A Robust Damage-Reporting Strategy for Polymeric Materials   Enabled by Aggregation-Induced Emission. ACS Central Science 2, 598 (2016).

§    Chen,   B.; Yang, M.; Zheng, X.; Wu, C.; Li, W.; Yan, Y.; Bisquert, J.;   Garcia-Belmonte, G.; Zhu, K.; Priya, S. Impact of Capacitive Effect and Ion   Migration on the Hysteretic Behavior of Perovskite Solar Cells.The   Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters6, 4693 (2015).

§    Li,   W.; Chen, B.; Walz, J. Y. Positioning Growth of Scalable Silica Nanorods on   the Interior and Exterior Surfaces of Porous Composites. Journal of Materials Chemistry   A3, 2019 (2015).
