1. Wu Jie , Wu Chunlei*, et al. Region Reinforcement Network with Topic Constraint for Image-Text Matching[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2021, PP(99):1-1.(SCI)
2. Chunlei Wu, Huan Zhang,et al. Multi-scale Contrastive Learning Networks for Automatic Denoising of Geological sedimentary Model Images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2022.(SCI)
3. Huan Zhang, Chunlei Wu*, et al. Anomaly_Detection_with_Memory-augmented_Adversarial_Autoencoder_Networks_for_Industry_5.0[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS,2023.(SCI)
4. Jing Lu, Chunlei Wu*, et al. Multi-scale Fusion Network with SR-attention for seismic velocity model building[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2023.(SCI)
5.Wu Chunlei, Wei Yiwei, et al. Hierarchical attention-based multimodal fusion for video captioning. Neurocomputing,2018. (SCI)
6.Wu Chunlei, Wei Yiwei, et al. Modeling visual and word-conditional semantic attention for image captioning. Signal Processing: Image Communication,2018. (SCI)
7. Jie Wu, Chunlei Wu*. Multi-View Inter-Modality Representation with Progressive Fusion for Image-Text Matching[J]. Neurocomputing, 2023.(SCI)
8. Wei Yiwei, Wu Chunlei*, et al. Multi-Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Image Captioning, Neurocomputing, 2020. (SCI)
9.Jiangnan Wang, Haisheng Li, Chunlei Wu*, et al.,Generating diverse chinese poetry from images via unsupervised method,Neurocomputing,2022.(SCI)
10. Wu Chunlei, Liu xu, et al. Vertical-Horizontal Latent Space with Iterative Memory Review Network for Multi-Class Anomaly Detection, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2024. (SCI)
11. Wu Chunlei, Wu Jie, et al. Dual-View Semantic Inference Network for Image-Text Matching, Neurocomputing,2020.(SCI)
12. Wei Yiwei , Wu Chunlei , et al. Past is important: Improved image captioning by looking back in time[J]. Signal Processing Image Communication, 2021, 94(8):116183.(SCI)
13. Wu Jie, Wu Chunlei*, et al. Improving visual grounding with multi-scale discrepancy information and centralized-transformer, Expert Systems with Applications, 2023. (SCI)
14.Wu Chunlei , Wang Jiangnan , Yuan Shaozu , et al. Generate Classical Chinese Poems with Theme-Style from Images[J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2021.(SCI)
15.Wu Chunlei, Yuan Ziyu, et al. Anti-Jamming Heart Rate Estimation Network in Less-Constrained Scenes[J]. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2022. (SCI) (SCI)
16. Fei Hu, Chunlei Wu*, Yiming Yan, et al. Multi-condition controlled sedimentary facies modeling based on generative adversarial network[J]. Computers and Geosciences,2023. (SCI)
17. Jiangnan Wang, Haisheng Li, Leiquan Wang, Chunlei Wu*. A Multimodal Dialogue System for Improving User Satisfaction via Knowledge-enriched Response and Image Recommendation[J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2022(SCI).
18. Qinfu Xu, Chunlei Wu* , et al. Learning Emotional Prompt Features with Multiple Views for Visual Emotion Analysis[J]. Information Fusion, 2024.(SCI)
19. Xu Qinfu, Wu Chunlei* , et al. Multiple Feature Refining Network for Visual Emotion Distribution Learning. AAAI, 2025.(CCF A)
20. Xu Qinfu, Wei Yiwei, Wu Chunlei, et al. Towards Multimodal Sentiment Analysis via Hierarchical Correlation Modeling with Semantic Distribution Constraints. AAAI, 2025.(CCF A)
1. 吴春雷,李克文等.行业特色高校信息学科专业学位研究生培养模式改革与实践,学位与研究生教育,2018.
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5. 吴春雷,王雷全等.软件工程专业实践教学体系的探索与实践,高等理科教育,2021.
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7. 吴春雷,张俊三等. 卓越计划下软件测试类课程改革与建设,计算机教育,2014.
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9. 吴春雷,宋会英. 中国石油大学(华东)规划教材,《软件工程实践教程》,2015。