陈敬凯 | |
副教授 硕士生导师 | |
机电工程系副主任 | |
邮箱:20180010@upc.edu.cn 电话:18563916590 办公地点:工科楼E701 | |
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2006.9—2010.7 2010.9—2013.6 2012.8—2017.12 | 中国石油大学(华东)机械设计制造及其自动化,获工学学士学位。 中国石油大学(华东)机械工程,获工学硕士学位。 美国莱斯大学Rice University 机械工程,获哲学博士学位。
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2018.01-2020.01 | 中国石油大学(华东),机械工程专业,博士后 |
2020.01-2021.11 | 中国石油大学(华东),机电工程系,讲师 |
2021.12-至今 | 中国石油大学(华东),机电工程系,副教授
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主要从事 钻柱动力学、钻头破岩、断裂力学、近场动力学、导向钻井等。 硕士招生方向:机械工程(学硕+专硕)。
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《油气装备工程》、《计算机仿真技术》、《石油钻采机械》、《Structural Dynamics》等课程。
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[1] “博士后国际交流计划”引进项目,2018.01-2020.01,主持 [2] 山东省高层次人才(惠才卡),2021.04-2026.04,主持 [3] 基于态型近场动力学的PDC钻头破岩机理研究,国家自然科学基金, 2019.01-2021.12,主持 [4] 超高压射流与机械冲击耦合深层地热钻井提速技术,国家重点研发计划子课题,2021.01-2024.12,主持 [5] 基于钻柱振动与岩石破碎耦合的钻头破岩工况智能表征,山东省自然科学基金面上项目,2024.01-2026.12,主持 [6] 基于近场动力学的深部页岩破碎机理研究,山东省博士后创新项目,2019.10-2021.04,主持 [7] 基于改进型近场动力学的焊缝蠕变损伤和疲劳破坏的分析与模拟,青岛市博士后应用研究项目,2018.10-2020.01,主持 [8] 石油钻采关键装备的模拟实验系统,教育部产学研协同育人项目,2019.12-2020.12,主持 [9] 深水海底钻井系统关键技术与装备, 国家重点研发计划“高性能制造技术与重大装备”重点专项(2021YFB3401400),2021.12-2024.11,项目骨干。 [10] 千瓦级固体氧化物燃料电池发电系统及高可靠性电堆关键技术, 国家重点研发计划“氢能技术”重点专项(2021YFB4001500), 2021.12-2025.11,项目骨干。 [11] 核电蒸汽发生器电磁感应局部热处理多场耦合调控残余应力方法研究, 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目(U21B2076),2022.01-2025.12,参与。 [12] 地层抗钻特性与钻井工程参数响应机制,国家重点研发计划子课题,2020.06-2025.05,参与(排名第2) [13] Novel Drilling Technology Combining Hydro-Jet and Percussion for ROP Improvement in deep geothermal drilling, 欧盟Horizon 2020 (编号101006752), 2021.01-2023.12,参与 [14] 旋转导向钻井系统产业化的瓶颈技术研究,山东省重点研发计划国际合作项目,2020.01-2022.12,参与 [15] 钻井设计与实时监测决策一体化智能软件系统开发,自主创新科研计划战略专项,2022.1-2024.12,参与
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[1] JZ25-3油田潜山花岗岩钻井提速技术攻关,中海油天津分公司,2023.12-2024.04,主持 [2] 组合卸荷井底应力场分布规律与卸荷方式优选研究,中石油重大科技项目“石油+”学科交叉,2020.05-2022.12,主持 [3] 难钻地层高效破岩机制及破岩方法,中石油重大科技项目(塔里木课题五),2019.07-2023.12,参与 [4] 地层抗钻特性关键因素分析及表征技术研究,中海油田服务股份有限公司,2023.08-2024.10,参与
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[1] Jingkai Chen*, Hualin Liao*, Yanting Zhang, Hongjun Liang, Chuanfu Liu, Dong Qi, A torsional-axial vibration analysis of drill string endowed with kinematic coupling and stochastic approach, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 198:108157. [2] Jingkai Chen*, Yiyu Jiao, Wenchun Jiang, Yanting Zhang, Peridynamics boundary condition treatments via the pseudo-layer enrichment method and variable horizon approach, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2021, 26(5): 631-666. [3] Jingkai Chen*, Yanting Zhang*, Zhibin Zheng, Zhendong Liu, Lumeng Huang, Dynamic analysis of top-excited vibration assisted stuck release in vertical borehole with fatigue-like model, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020,185: 106651. [4] Jingkai Chen*, Wenchun Jiang*, Qi Wang, Yanting Zhang, Peridynamic analysis of drill-induced borehole damage, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019, 104: 47-66. [5] Jingkai Chen*, Hualin Liao*, Bin Yang, Ye Tian, Yu Xin, Zhongzheng Yan, Adaptive modeling of rock crack mechanism during drilling operation based on modified peridynamics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 271:106538. [6] Jingkai Chen*, Ye Tian, Xuezheng Cui, Free and forced vibration analysis of peridynamic finite bar, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2018, 10 (1): 1850003. [7] Wenjian Lan, Hanxiang Wang, Qihu Liu, Xin Zhang*, Jingkai Chen, Ziling Li, Kun Feng, Shengshan Chen, Investigation on the microwave heating technology for coalbed methane recovery, Energy, 2021, 237: 121450. [8] Zhikun Wang, Yanting Zhang*, Ruifeng Wang, Jingkai Chen, Liangbin Xu, Jian Liu, Lumeng Huang, Design and simulation research of riser flexible hang-off system based on variable damping for drilling platform to avoid typhoon, Ocean Engineering, 2021, 236: 109576 [9] Yanting Zhang, Hao Zhang*, Lin Wang*, Jingyu Xu, Lumeng Huang, Jingkai Chen, Zheng Huang, Application and analysis of multi-stage flash vaporization process in steam production in high-temperature heat pump system with large temperature difference, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2021, Online. [10] Zhibin Zheng, Jingkai Chen*, Yanting Zhang, Parameters optimization of release force under top-excited in stuck pipe,Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1748 (5):052050. [11] Zichen Liu, Xiaodong Hu, Zhiwei Yang, Bin Yang*, Jingkai Chen, Ming Song, Yun Luo, Optimization Study of Post-Weld Heat Treatment for 12Cr1MoV Pipe Welded Joint, Metals, 2021, 11(1):127. [12] 张彦廷,郑志滨*,陈敬凯*,黄鲁蒙,张晧,王志坤,葛政,石油钻柱顶部高频激振解卡耦合响应特性,石油学报,2020, 41(12): 1697-1705. [13] Zhendong Liu, Yanting Zhang*, Xiaoguang Yu, Jingkai Chen, et al., Study on the Control Strategies of Offshore Drilling Crown-Block Heave Compensation System With Compound Cylinders, IEEE Access, 2020, 8:149270 - 149281 [14] Yun Luo*, Wenchun Jiang*, Yucai Zhang, Bin Yang, Ming Song, Jingkai Chen, Effects of dual-cracks on the creep crack growth behaviour of HastelloyC276-BNi2 brazed joints, Materials and High Temperatures, 2020, 37(4):230-242. [15] Xuefang Xie, Wenchun Jiang*, Jingkai Chen, Xiancheng Zhang, Shan-Tung Tu*, Cyclic hardening/softening behavior of 316L stainless steel at elevated temperature including strain-rate and strain-range dependence: Experimental and damage-coupled constitutive modeling, Journal of Plasticity, 2019, 114: 196-214. [16] Bin Yang, Wen-Qi Sun, Wenchun Jiang*, Minglei Wang, Mingchao Li, Jingkai Chen, Comparative study of the tensile properties of a 1.25Cr-0.5Mo steel characterized by the miniature specimen and the standard specimen, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 2019, 177:103990. [17] Bin Yang*, Fu-zhen Xuan, Jingkai Chen, Evaluation of the microstructure related strength of CrMoV weldment by using the in-situ tensile test of miniature specimen, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2018. [18] Ye Tian*, Zong-Quan Deng, De-Wei Tang, Jingkai Chen, Drilling power consumption analysis of coring bit in lunar sample mission, 2017, Journal of Aerospace Engineering-ASCE. [19] Jun Wei, Hualin Liao*, Huajian Wang, Jingkai Chen, et al. Experimental investigation on the dynamic tensile characteristics of conglomerate based on 3D SHPB system, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 213: 110350. [20] Wenchun Jiang, Yun Luo, Yangguang Deng, Yu Wan, Jingkai Chen, Effect of Cooling Rate on Phase Transformation and Strain Response of SA508-3 Steel by Numerical and Experimental Study, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 2022, 144 (6): 061501. [21] Huajian Wang, Hualin Liao, Jun Wei, Yongwang Liu, Wenlong Niu, John-Paul Latham, Jiansheng Xiang, Jiansheng Liu, Jingkai Chen, Pressure Drop Model and Jet Features of Ultra High Pressure Water Jet for Downhole Intensifier. Journal of Energy Resource Technology, 2022, 144(12): 123005.
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[1] Jingkai Chen, Nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theories---A comparative study. Springer, 2021.04, ISBN: 978-3-030-69787-7.
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[1] 一种增强型脉动冲击载荷发生装置,发明专利,专利号:CN 113638688 A [2] 一种超高压水射流与机械冲击耦合破岩钻井提速装置,发明专利,专利号:CN 114033311 A [3] 一种近钻头工程参数实时随钻测量装置,发明专利,专利号:CN 113931615 A [4] 一种近钻头多参数井下随钻测控系统,发明专利,专利号:CN 114033361 A [5] 一种用于水平井的钻井提速装置,发明专利,专利号:CN 114033310 A
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[1] 山东省科技进步二等奖(2023) [2] 山东省高层次人才(惠才卡)(2021.04) [3] 博士后国际交流计划引进项目(2018.12) [4] 青年教师讲课比赛二等奖(2021.11) [5] 优秀班主任(2018,2019,2022,2023) [6] 毕业论文优秀指导教师(2020,2022,2023) [7] Schlumberger ‘PetroChallenge’ 优秀奖 (2016,10) [8] 国家留学基金委公派博士研究生资助 (2012.8-2016.8) [9] 第七届周培源杯全国大学生力学竞赛优秀奖 (2009.8)
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会员:America Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME);America Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE);Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE);United State Association for Computational Mechanics(USACM);中国力学学会; 杂志审稿人:Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (ELSEVIER);Journal of Aerospace Engineering (ASCE);Scientific Research Publishing;International Journal of Applied Mechanics;Engineering Failure Analysis;Engineering Fracture Mechanics; Geoenergy Science and Engineering. |